[WordPlay] You're invited to "Poetry Rocks: Tap into All Poetry Can Do for You" (Pass It On!)

Published: Mon, 03/25/13

March 25, 2013

Know anyone who would enjoy this course? I'd really appreciate your passing the word along! You can forward this email or send them this link:
http://www.aweber.com/t/Cgh4A . Thank you!

"It is difficult to get the news from poems yet men die miserably every day for lack of what is found there."

~ William Carlos Williams

What can poetry do for your writing?
Make it more graceful, effective, musical,

What can poetry do for your life?
Add rhythm, beauty, meaning.

If you've ever wondered what makes a poem a poem (they don't all rhyme, as you know!) --
If you've ever wished you could be confident about writing poems of your own, or understanding poetry --
Or if you want to unlock the secrets of poetry that can make your writing more powerful --

Then check out the new course I'm rolling out for National Poetry Month in April: "Poetry Rocks: Tap into All Poetry Can Do for You." 

NEW: You can participate on your own schedule, via telecourse, and/or in person! And I'm so sure you'll not only enjoy it, but also find it immensely valuable to your writing, that I'm offering a money back guarantee.

You not only get three classes, filled with hands-on information, examples, and exercises, for your $97 -- you also get 22 fun, easy poetry-making tools so you can learn by doing -- one delivered to you each weekday of National Poetry Month. And that's not all. (But, no, it doesn't slice or dice ;). Unless you consider line and stanza breaks slicing, and optional meter dicing.) Details below.

Click here to register via PayPal or credit card or email me here for details on registering via mail -- but act soon, April's only one week away!

Here's to the poetry in you,


Poetry Rocks: Tap into All Poetry Can Do for You

Learn the Ins and Outs of Poetry. Strengthen Your Writing Skills. Add a New Layer of Literary Beauty to Your Life.

Expect a lively good time exploring what makes a poem a poem and learning the knowledge you need to confidently create and revise poetry AND strengthen your writing skills in any genre. Includes:

     ★ three two-hour class sessions
★ audio replays of classes
22 poetry creation tools delivered to your inbox each weekday
         in April in written and audio form

your own spiral-bound poetry toolkit that contains all class
         handouts, bonus resources, and your poetry creation tools

BONUS: The first six people who register will receive the opportunity to get feedback from me on a 500-word (or shorter) poem. Your poem may be shared with your fellow participants to illustrate the revision process.

The three classes (available in person or via phone, web, and/or audio replay) are 7 to 9 pm,
Tuesdays, April 2, 16, and 30  (or at your convenience, as these will be recorded).
The poetry creation tools will be delivered each weekday in April, to be used at your convenience.

South Charlotte (Details supplied upon registration)
 from the comfort of your own home if you participate via phone, web, or replay.

3 two-hour classes plus 22 "Poetry Creation Tools" in written and audio form, and a spiral-bound Poetry Tool Kit containing all your poetry resources gathered together for handy reference for $97.

TO REGISTER: Click here to register via PayPal or credit card

Know anyone who you think would enjoy this course? I'd really appreciate your passing the word along! You can forward this email or send them this link: http://www.aweber.com/t/Cgh4A. Thank you!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow