[WordPlay] Only Two Days Left

Published: Sat, 03/30/13

March 29, 2013
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Dear ,

Just taking a minute today to wish you a very joyous Easter and to be sure you don't miss out on "Poetry Rocks" if you'd like to delight yourself with what poetry can do for you and your writing this April ;). It starts in just two days.

This course is great for you if you've always loved poetry, and just as good if you've always felt you've never really "gotten" poetry. As the writer Charles Bukowski says in his poem "War Some of the Time"

when you write a poem it
needn't be intense
can be nice and

Truly, writing poems can be "nice and easy", as WordPlayer Barbara Allen proved  when she jotted off a quick poetic reply to my "National Chip and Dip Day" good wishes last Saturday. It's posted below for your enjoyment.

But before you read it, note that you don't have to
rhyme to write a poem, and you don't have to be a poet to reap the advantage of learning about and playing with this genre. You do, however, have to register before April 1st to receive your first poetry tool in your inbox that morning! Details below.

Love and light,


Poetry Rocks: Tap into All Poetry Can Do for You

Learn the Ins and Outs of Poetry. Strengthen Your Writing Skills. Add a New Layer of Literary Beauty to Your Life.

Expect a lively good time exploring what makes a poem a poem and learning the knowledge you need to confidently create and revise poetry AND strengthen your writing skills in any genre. Includes three two-hour sessions plus audio replays, 22 daily poetry creation tools so you can put what you learn into practice, and numerous other resources. At the end of "Poetry Rocks," you'll also receive your own hard copy poetry toolkit that contains the information and resources covered, as well as your daily poetry creation tools.

WHEN: The three classes, available in person or via phone, web, and/or replay, are 7 to 9 pm, Tuesdays, April 2, 16, and 30  (or at your convenience, as these will be recorded). The poetry creation tools will be delivered each weekday in April, to be used at your convenience.

WHERE: South Charlotte (Details supplied upon registration)
             from the comfort of your own home if you participate via phone,
             web, or replay.

3 two-hour classes plus a "Poetry Creation Tool" in written and audio form each weekday in April (22 in all!), and a Poetry Tool Kit filled with ideas, information and resources for $97.

TO REGISTER: Click here to register via PayPal or credit card

(If you'd rather send a check, please email me at info@wordplaynow.com and I'll work out payment details with you.)

Know anyone who you think would enjoy this course? I'd really appreciate your passing the word along! You can forward this email or send them this link: http://www.aweber.com/t/DOkzC. Thank you!

A Response to...

Chip and Dip/
Then Slip a Sip/
--or perhaps a Nip?/
Past the Tip of the Lip!/
(Have I Flipped?) 

I so enjoyed Barbara Allen's witty reply to last Saturday's email that I thought you probably would to! She was kind enough to grant permission for me to share it with you:

Oh Maureen,

You should really be ashamed,
Scorned at least and surely blamed
For breathing words like "chip" and "dip"

And adding weight upon each hip.

I'll add a pound here on the right
By munching chippers half the night.
Positively not outdone,

The left will add another one.

I can't stop with just a taste;
Crunchy, salty calls my waist.
Add to that to cap my day

A glass or two of chardonnay.

Maybe you have lost your grip
Or taken a colossal flip.

Save me one potato chip

And please pass the onion dip!

                                       ~ Barbara Allen

Thanks for WordPlaying!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow