Last chance for the WordPlay Fall Retreat at $67 is midnight tonight AND your first poem is...

Published: Sat, 10/13/12

October 13, 2012

... A. Waiting to be written
... B. A "thing of beauty and a joy forever"
... C. Lost, but not forgotten in the deepest part of you

(See below for more on your first poem)


Greetings from the kid in me
Me in fourth grade (or so)
... to the kid in you! Yes, this is me at age eight, doing one of the things I most loved to do back then -- ride a "horse" into the fields of my imagination. And I am hoping you'll come ride with me, in person or across the miles. Realistically, chances are you CAN'T make it to
the Fall Writing Retreat WordParty Playdate on Saturday, October 27th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m in South Charlotte. (Read on for a "across the miles option.)

But if you can, I sure do want you to get the discounted WordParty Playdate rate of only $67, which includes lunch. The link will be active until midnight, Saturday, October 13th, which is TONIGHT. (That's when the price goes back to it's very reasonable 97-dollar self, though, SHHH!, if you're reading this on Sunday morning I may not have gotten back down to the business computer in the studio to switch out the PayPal codes yet.)

And what happens at the retreat? We'll play with words and images (yes, SoulCollageTM, too, if that's your pleasure) so that you will (guaranteed!) take home new ideas, new drafts, and new possibilities. Along with my two favorite "play horses," Encouragement and Inspiration (a Pinto and an Andulusian, if you were wondering), who always come along for the ride. 

All you need to do is click here for safe, quick and easy registration via credit card or PayPal:

Or email to say you're coming, click here to download a mail-in registration form:

and get thee to a mailbox!

And as I said in the latest Word-zine, if you can't come but wish you could, email and you'll receive a special WordPlay October writing prompt near the end of the month.)


Well, guess I'll start out by reciting you my first poem

(Child's voice fades in, in a reverent whisper, because she's creating this poem looking out her window at the October night sky when she's supposed to be sleeping. But she's just read "October's Party" in her reader and she suddenly sees that SHE could write a poem about October, and so she does, and she is young enough to believe it's a wonderful one:

October has its cloudy days,
But the stars are very bright.
They come out and twinkle at you
almost every night.

Child's voice fades out, but the words keep playing in a happy corner of her mind, even when she is almost 56 years old, because it was so much fun to look at the stars and notice that they could rhyme.)

Pop quiz ;): Is my first poem A., B., or C.?

... A. Waiting to be written
... B. A "thing of beauty and a joy forever"
... C. Lost, but not forgotten in the deepest part of you

Look how smart you are! (And look at who silly I am on this Saturday afternoon!)

So. Now. You! Is your first poem...

A. Waiting to be written? It is past overdue. The time is now! Keep reading!

B. A "thing of beauty and a joy forever"? These words are from one of my favorite books EVER, Nicole Krauss's The History of Love, by the way. And guess who gets to decide that your first poem is this? Right -- nobody but you. (And me, because I happen to think that EVERY first poem is a thing of beauty and a joy forever.) So right now, go hunt that first poem up and read it in the most reverent child whisper you can muster and give thanks to that kid you were who had the vision and guts to write it against the dark naysayers in the world who say words don't matter! Scroll down and write another one!

C. Lost, but not forgotten in the deepest part of you? That's a fine place for it to be, and maybe it will come out of its cozy little hiding spot one day when you least expect it. Scroll down and write another one!

As in right now. As Seamus Heaney, who wrote this beautiful poem "Postscript" says, "Make the time." Let your heart be caught off guard and "blow open."

Read his poem here:

And / or listen to them here:

Then grab your five favorite words and weave them into a poem of your own, right here, right now. Take your words seriously. Play with them.

Happy trails of words to you,


Upcoming WordPlay
For information about current offerings, visit

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and two collections of poetry, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn -- and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!

Maureen Ryan Griffin