[WordPlay Word-zine] Try a little basking...

Published: Mon, 02/26/18

The WordPlay Word-zine

Volume VII, Issue 9
February 26, 2018

Word of the Week: bask
Dear ,

So, I started out this January with a reminder to celebrate. But I was mainly talking about celebrating the great beauty and kindness around us that we often overlook. Celebrating our everyday blessings gives us, not only richer, more satisfying lives, but also ideas and images for our writing. However, as writers, there's something else it behooves us (how I love the word "behoove"!) us to celebrate: our writing successes, both large and small. (Like the ten people who stuck it out in the WordPlay "ONE TRUE SENTENCE" THIRTY-DAY CHALLENGE. You'll be hearing about them in a week or two.) 

But I didn't want to use the word "celebrate" so soon after "celebration." Hmm. What word to use to encourage you to give yourself a congratulatory hug, let good friends know you achieved a milestone, large or teeny-tiny, let in a feeling of satisfaction and confidence that will help you move forward? And then, looking at this photo I took on Saturday, I thought of it, another "b" word that I love: "bask."

Saturday was party day for brand new author Bridgett Bell Langson, whom you met two weeks ago. She's wanted to publish a book since she was in the first grade. And she finally made it! Here she is, basking in her happy accomplishment with her longtime friend Cindy Woodlief. 
(Her sweet and wonderfully written 
Finding Home: My Arf-O-Biography is available on Amazon here, should you have a dog-loving child in your life.) 

How about you, ? What can you bask in right now? A first book isn't something any of us do more than once in our lives. So how can we soak up the warmth, love, and satisfaction we feel when we allow ourselves to bask in our achievements, as well as in simple, as well as indulgent, pleasures? Go ahead, take a deep breath right now, and allow yourself that good feeling of enjoyment basking gives you. There's no limit to what you can bask in, including speeches silliness, and soup-making... Check out this week's featured writing, "Acceptance Speech." I bet it will make you smile! 

Love and light,

Upcoming WordPlay

A Poetry (and Prose) Craft Workshop

Ever wished your writing had more finesse? Or wondered what goes into the making of a fine poem? This class that explores “poetic ingredients” in the areas of content, sound, and form will increase your expertise—in poetry and prose. Learn how to identify and use these ingredients, as well as how reading work by writers you love can inspire and instruct you. All levels welcome.

WHEREMorrison Regional Library. 7015 Morrison Boulevard. Charlotte, NC 28211

WHEN: Tuesday, March 6th, from 7:00 until 8:30 p.m.

COST: Free!

TO REGISTER: To register, visit the Morrison Regional Library webpage here.


* But Were Afraid to Ask

There are at least ten thousand ways to write a poem! In this lively presentation about the art and craft of poetry based on Maureen’s latest book of poetry, Ten Thousand Cicadas Can’t Be Wrong, participants will learn how content, sound and form work together, and get to try their hand at the process. They’ll also have the opportunity to ask every question they’ve ever had about poetry.

WHEREIndependence Regional Library. 6000 Conference Drive. Charlotte, NC 28212.

WHEN: Wednesday, April 11th, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. until noon

COST: Free!

TO REGISTER: Please click this link to be taken to the Independence Regional Library website.




Does writing fulfill you? Do you wish you were writing more? Jumpstart your writing life and learn to keep your words flowing. Learn specific techniques and exercises to create nonfiction, poetry and/or fiction. Whether you would like to keep a journal for your own personal growth, spin stories for your loved ones, or further a career as a professional writer, experience the satisfaction of developing a writing practice that works for you—come spin words into gold.

WHERE: John Campbell Folk School. 1 Folk School Road, Brasstown, NC 28902

WHEN: Sunday, May 6th through Saturday, May 12th, 2018

COST: $630 (plus room and board)

TO REGISTER:  To register, click this link to be taken to the John Campbell Folk School website to register.

 Other News


I hope you can join me and my beloved teacher, mentor and friend Irene for this year's Irene Blair Honeycutt Legacy Award Presentation and Reading ( it's free, as are most Sensoria events, and it's on Monday, April 9th at 7 p.m. (preceded by a reception at 6 p.m.).​​​​​​​ More important, I hope you come for as many Sensoria events as you can make it to! You'll be glad you did. Full schedule here.



Lanier Library is holding their 10th Annual Sidney Lanier Poetry Competition. They are accepting submissions through March 15, 2018 with prizes awarded April 28, 2018 at the library in Tryon, NC. 

Adult and Student categories are available with prizes from $500 (Adult) and $100 (Student).

Please visit their website for more informationhttp://thelanierlibrary.org/upcoming-events/sidney-lanier-poetry-competition/


Featured Writing


"Acceptance Speech"

Lynn Powell

The radio's replaying last night's winners
and the gratitude of the glamorous,
everyone thanking everybody for making everything
so possible, until I want to shush
the faucet, dry my hands, join in right here
at the cluttered podium of the sink, and thank

my mother for teaching me the true meaning of okra,
my children for putting back the growl in hunger,
my husband, primo uomo of dinner, for not
begrudging me this starring role—

without all of them, I know this soup
would not be here tonight.

And let me just add that I could not
have made it without . . .

Special thanks, as always, to the salt—
you know who you are—and to the knife,
who revealed the ripe beneath the rind,
the clean truth underneath the dirty peel.

—I hope I've not forgotten anyone—
oh, yes, to the celery . . .

                                        ~ Lynn Powell, from The Zones of Paradise

You can read the poem in its entirety here, thanks to The Denver Post. And, yes, there is basking in it! You'll see!​​​​​​​

WordPlay Now! Writing Prompt

This is WordPlayso why not revel in the power and potential of one good word after another? This week, it's "bask." ​​​​​​​

PROMPT: This week, set a timer for three minutes, and allow yourself to bask in every teeny-tiny success or accomplishment you can think of. End by giving yourself a hug and a few kind words. (Try it, if you never have, even if it makes you feel silly. Lynn Powell didn't let that stop her from basking in soup-making success!) 

Feel free to also find a way to work the word "bask" into a story, essay, poem, or scene this week.
While you're at it, why not try basking with a longtime friend, or a new one, or a family member? Basking becomes more bountiful when it's shared...

It's fun to play with prompts in community with fellow writers, and to be able to share the results when you're done. You can find out about WordPlay classes, workshops, and retreats here. 

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and three collections of poetry, Ten Thousand Cicadas Can't Be Wrong, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. One of her long-held dreams came true in July of 2015 when Garrison Keillor read one of her poems on The Writer's AlmanacYou can listen to it here. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn—and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!
Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow