[WordPlay Word-zine] The Trouble with Poets...

Published: Tue, 03/31/15

The WordPlay Word-zine
Volume IIII, Issue 13
March 30, 2015

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Word of the Week:  trouble
Dear ,

Well, according to singer/songwriter Peter Mulvey, whose music you can tune into below, the trouble with poets, among other things, is that they talk too much.

But I can tell you that the trouble with the bleary-eyed poet writing this zine AFTER midnight is that she has spent too much time lately outside reveling in cherry blossoms and, yes, writing, and hanging out with her grandson -- and not enough time on her taxes, given a trip to Portsmouth, Virginia in early April means they need to be done NOW.

But what poet could resist cherry blossoms, or a chance to have her grandson keep plopping a plastic hard hat on and of her head in between taking on and off one of his own -- following the umpteenth reading of Roadwork together?
I know -- another trouble this poet has is she doesn't always take such great pictures! But Rhys is a VERY active subject...
Now, onto another very active (and time-sensitive) subject -- April, which is now ONE DAY away, is National Poetry month! 
And if you'd like to celebrate in true WordPlay style, no matter where you live or what kind of hours you keep, do I have a poetry opportunity for you! It's called Poetry Rocks and it's brimming with poetic inspiration, for prose writers as well as poets. 

You can sign up anytime this month, you can participate as your time and whim allows, and you can connect with me and other poets through an online class and forum. Find out more here or below... where you'll also find out more about "The Trouble with Poets." And, of course, a prompt.   
Love and light,

Upcoming WordPlay

* Register now - your inner poet will get her/his
first poetry tool the very next day!


(Learning the Ins and Outs of Poetry; Strengthening Your Writing Skills; Adding a New Layer of Literary Beauty to Your Life)

Would you like your writing — prose and/or poetry — to be more graceful, powerful, beautiful? Do you sometimes find poetry confusing or intimidating and wish you could “crack the code”? Or do you enjoy writing and reading poems, but want a more thorough understanding of what makes a poem good? Then this poetry extravaganza is for you.

Poetry Rocks!Expect a good time exploring what makes a poem a poem, gaining the knowledge you need to confidently create and revise poetry, and strengthening your writing skills in all genres.

You’ll also have the opportunity to ask any question you’ve ever had about poetry but were afraid to ask.

It would be a joy and an honor to share what rocks about poetry with you!


  • 23 poetry creation tools, in both written and audio form delivered  one per day to your inbox — in honor of National Poetry month. Use them as you get them, use them when you can, use them over and over to create poems. Each tool zeroes in on one aspect of poetry and provides an innovative method to approach writing a poem. Many of them are great for creating prose, too. The tools include:
    *   a purpose, so you’re clear what you will learn
    *   background information when helpful
    *   “how-to” directions to create a poem
    *   an example that illustrates the poetry tool in action
    *   a short reflection to solidify the concepts covered
    *   “Hone Your Craft” suggestions for further exploration
    *   a short reflection to solidify the concepts covered
  • A PDF document of each tool that you can print or save on your computer
  • An audio recording of each tool, so you can learn by listening and/or reading
  • Instruction on the role of audience, reading like a writer, and the process of revision, including a handy Revision Checkpoint Chart — this information can be applied to strengthen your prose as well as poetry
  • Additional poetry resources
  • An e-book that contains the information and resources covered, as well as your 23 poetry creation tools for ongoing use
  • A private Facebook community just for Poetry Rocks! participants, so you can share, learn, ask questions, etc.
  • An online class that will include poetry creation, live revision of poems created during Poetry Rocks! (maybe one of yours!), and a Q & A session.

BONUS: All interested participants will be entered in a drawing to get a 750-word (or shorter) poem critiqued. The winning poems will be shared in class to illustrate the revision process.

WHERE: From the comfort of your own home, via phone, web, or replay

WHEN: You'll begin receiving your tools the day after you register.  
The online class is from 7 to 8:30 pm (or longer, if needed to answer questions), Tuesday, April 28th, and is available via your telephone (we can talk to each other, just like in a live class), your computer (you can listen and participate), and/or as an audio recording, so you can listen to the class, or listen to it again, anytime you want.

COST: $45

TO REGISTER FOR POETRY ROCKS: Click here to register via credit card. Or email info@wordplaynow.com or call 704-494-9961 to arrange to pay via check.


(Fulfilling Writing Dreams and Goals; Creating New Writing; Revising and Polishing Your Writing)

Does writing fulfill you? Do you wish you were writing more? Jumpstart your writing life and learn to keep your words flowing. Learn specific techniques and exercises to create nonfiction, poetry and/or fiction. Whether you would like to keep a journal for your own personal growth, spin stories for your loved ones, or further a career as a professional writer, experience the satisfaction of developing a writing practice that works for you—come spin words into gold.


                 In the community room after our reading                  

$594 for one week-long session, plus lodging and meals.

WHERE: John Campbell Folk School, 1 Folk School Road, Brasstown, NC 28902
WHEN: Sunday, August 23rd through Saturday, August 29th, 2015
TO REGISTER: Call the John Campbell Folks School at 800.FOLK.SCH (800-365-5724).

More WordPlay opportunities here.

Featured (Song)Writer

Peter Mulvey

The Trouble with Poets


Peter Mulvey

WordPlayer Mary Struble Deery, who brightens so many lives in so many ways, shared this song with me recently, and I knew it was perfect for this zine. Listen here to one live version of "The Trouble with Poets." And if you're like me and like to compare versions, here's another lively, and wee bit scatalogical, one

You can learn more about this American folk singer-songwriter who hails from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on his website

WordPlay Now! Writing Prompt

This is WordPlay -- so why not revel in the power and potential of one good word after another? This week, it's "trouble."


Set a timer for 15 minutes. Begin with the words "The trouble with...." and let it rip! Pick a single subject, like, say, poets, or write about many subjects.

It's fun to play with prompts in community with fellow writers, and to be able to share the results when you're done. You can find out about WordPlay classes, workshops, and retreats here. 

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and two collections of poetry, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn -- and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow