[WordPlay Word-zine] Turtle steps will take you where you want to go...

Published: Mon, 05/23/16

The WordPlay Word-zine
Volume V, Issue 21
May 23, 2016
Word of the Week: turtle
Photo by Tibor Duliskovich - http://www.duliskovich.com - on Wikimedia Commons​​​​​​​ 
Dear ,
I learned from The Writer's Almanac that today is World Turtle Dayfounded by the American Tortoise Rescue in 2000 to increase knowledge and respect for turtles and tortoises.

I've always had a fondness for turtles, so when I Oprah magazine coach Martha Beck’s term for taking tiny actions toward our goals was "turtle steps" and her rationale (Who wants to take baby steps? Babies fall down! Turtles never do. And they are famous for making it to the finish line), I took it on for myself. How about you? 

Consider Jane Hirschfield's poem "Optimism," this week's featured writing, that puts turtles first on the list of examples of resilience, tenacity, and persistence. Hang in there, turtle friends!

Love and light,

Upcoming WordPlay


(Expanding Our Creativity; Learning New Tools for Our Writing and Our Lives; Creating New Writing)

Discover your own genius as you learn to apply seven fascinating approaches of Leonardo da Vinci to your writing. These techniques enliven non-fiction, poetry and fiction. Expect fun, inspiration and writing galore in your preferred genre, with opportunities to share your work.

$630 for one week-long session (lodging and meals are additional – options can be found on the Folk School website).

WHERE: John Campbell Folk School, 1 Folk School Road, Brasstown, NC 28902
WHEN: Sunday, August 7 – Saturday August 13, 2016.

TO REGISTER: To register, please click this John Campbell Folk School link to register directly from them.



(Writing as Renewal / Creating New Writing / Tools for a Writing Life)

Renew and delight yourself. The Summer Writing Retreat is an opportunity to create new pieces of writing and/or new possibilities for our lives. Enjoy various seasonal prompts; they elicit beautiful material that can be shaped into essays, poems, stories, or articles. After a communal lunch, you’ll have private time which can be used to collage, work with a piece of writing from the morning, or play with a number of other writing prompts and methods. You’ll take home new ideas, new drafts, and new possibilities.
$97 includes lunch and supplies.

WHERE: South Charlotte area. Details will be provided upon registration.
WHEN: Saturday, August 6th, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

TO REGISTER: To pay with a check via mail, email info@wordplaynow.com for instructions. To pay online, please click this link to check out using PayPal.

More WordPlay opportunities here.

Featured Writing



Jane Hirshfield

More and more I have come to admire resilience.
Not the simple resistance of a pillow, whose foam returns over and 
over to the same shape, but the sinuous tenacity of a tree: finding the
light newly blocked on one side,
it turns in another.
A blind intelligence, true.
But out of such persistence arose turtles, rivers, mitochondria, figs—
all this resinous, unretractable earth. 

                                  ~ from Jane Hirshfield's Given Sugar, Given Salt

WordPlay Now! Writing Prompt

This is WordPlayso why not revel in the power and potential of one good word after another? This week, it's "turtle." 


Make a list of writing projects you would love to accomplish. Pick one to do first, preferably the one that's nearest and dearest to your heart right now. 

Now, list the tiniest actions you can think of that you can take to move it toward completion, including writing daily (or almost daily) for as short a time as one minute. (Maybe, after a day or two, you'll choose to write two, or five, or thirty minutes. Or maybe, you'll write for hours once you get started, at least once in a while.) 

At least five days each week, take one turtle step toward completing your writing dream until you've reached your goal.

It's fun to play with prompts in community with fellow writers, and to be able to share the results when you're done. You can find out about WordPlay classes, workshops, and retreats here. 

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and three collections of poetry, Ten Thousand Cicadas Can't Be Wrong, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. One of her long-held dreams came true in July of 2015 when Garrison Keillor read one of her poems on The Writer's Almanac. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn—and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow