[WordPlay] Happy New Year! What word embodies your hopes for 2015?

Published: Wed, 12/31/14

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Happy New Year, !
Dear ,

Thank you so much for being a part of the WordPlay community through subscribing to the Word-zine! I'm so grateful to have you as a reader.

My "word-based" New Year's thank you to you is one I received from my business coach, Christine Kane, back in 2012 -- a very cool way to create a fabulous New Year by focusing on what you desire, rather than on what's not working or what you want to fix. (We all know that resolutions are all about this, right? Which is why we so often fail at them. Fixing what's broken about ourselves is just not very inspiring.) 

Download Christine's "Word-Of-The-Year Discovery Tool" to help you find the word that will make your 2015 the best year yet. But first, here are some ideas Christine shared in one of her recent zines: 

And here are some examples from Christine, as she had her whole team choose a "Word-Of-The-Year" and a corresponding intention for 2015:

PRESENCE - I want to be totally aware and present wherever I am, with whomever I am with at that time. (Andrew)
ALLOW - I want to allow space in my life- for new people, for positive thinking, for new ideas and awareness; allow for imperfection and allow myself to lead from a place of confidence, self-acceptance and love. (Michelle)
BELIEVE - For me, this means believing in new levels of possibility for myself and my business. (Robbin)
CONNECT - Several incidents from last year have made me feel the desire to really connect and stay connected with those that are in my life. You never know the last time you'll be able to connect with someone. "Connect" is a reminder to make the most out of every minute you get to talk to or spend time with someone. (Amanda)
BECOME - I want to allow my intentions to lead my spirit in my evolution on this planet and in everything that I do - constantly calling in a higher level of myself every day. (Elaine)
EMBODY - For me, embodying means to live into something. To take it much deeper than mental knowledge and make it part of who I am in the world. This year for me will be about embodying leadership, embodying heart-centered sales and embodying love. (Sara)
RESOLVE - I am looking "to deal with conclusively; settle; solve" and "to separate into constituent or elementary parts; break up; cause or disintegrate" several core areas of my life, work and relationships. (Dain)
REVIVE - I want to return to life after some personal stuff that has left me "null and void" in 2014. This includes reviving my mental energy, my health, and activity. I want to renew what I want from my life (not who I was, but who I want to be). I want to bring cheerfulness back, to my heart, my spirit, and to other people - and I want to flourish with these renewed hopes and dreams. (Jackie)
TREASURE - (in verb form). To treasure this amazing work I get to do, to treasure the people and connections in my life and business, to treasure the abundance I experience, and to treasure all the ways my soul, self and business continue to expand. (Even the stuff that's not comfortable). (Christine) 

Feel free to use one of the words above for your word of the year -- I've decided Christine's word and intention are perfect for me. After all, I do treasure the amazing work I get to do, and the wonderful people it connects me with -- like you! And I've loved the idea of finding hidden treasure since I was a kid.

I hope you enjoy coming up with your perfect word for 2015 -- be sure to download Christine Kane's "Word-Of-The-Year Discovery Tool" -- it's a fabulous reflective process and a lovely way to spend time with yourself and your dreams on New Year's Day. And if you want to know more about Christine, here's her bio:

Christine Kane is the Mentor to People Who are Changing the World. She helps women and men Uplevel their lives, their businesses and their success. Her weekly Uplevel You eZine goes out to over 37,000 subscribers. If you are ready to take your life and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a FREE subscription at http://christinekane.com.

One last thing, if you've read this far :)... Here's a poem to read if and when you find yourself discouraged, disheartened, disillusioned, or dismayed about life and/or at your inability to keep resolutions. I wrote this the day after my Coastal Writing Retreat this past November.

Two-poem Morning

It’s a two-poem morning,
a fellow poet says
when I encounter her on the beach
at 7 a.m. or so, her heading back
from the end of the island, me heading toward it
and I think, What are the two poems
I could write this morning?

One would be about love,
the other loss
and they would be the same poem–
how our hearts are broken
so many times by
the time we hit our 5Os,
broken by the losses,

the terrible things
               people do to one another
the terrible things life
               does to us all
the terrible things
               we do to ourselves, the way
               we have stopped believing
our own promises, stopped
               making them.

Oh my friend
with the joyous quick laugh and the
beautiful eyes that
darken with such terrible
sadness–don’t try again. No,
please, begin again instead
begin again and again
and again and again,
like these waves



so that what
you can trust yourself for
is not your arrival
at that mythical shore
called “there”
but rather
your willingness
to set off
into the “here”
of each and every
moment, for
all that’s worth,
to let love
win this high stakes game
that is your life   

                  ~ Maureen Ryan Griffin
                     November, 2014

Wishing you many mornings, afternoons, and evenings of joy-filled writing time, and a New Year filled with peace, possibility, and prosperity,


WordPlay Now! Writing Prompt

Download Christine Kane's "Word-Of-The-Year Discovery Tool" to help you find the word that will make your 2015 the best year yet. (In case you missed it above!)

It's fun to play with prompts in community with fellow writers, and to be able to share the results when you're done. You can find out about WordPlay classes, workshops, and retreats here. 

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and two collections of poetry, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn -- and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
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