[WordPlay] Cook up a poem -- and add sizzle to your prose!

Published: Fri, 03/28/14

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Dear ,

I couldn't resist giving you a bonus writing opportunity today as I write to remind you that Poetry Rocks!, the poetry course I've cooked up for this April, is only a few days away. Hope you enjoy the cooking-related prompt below as much as I do! 

And I also want to tell you that each of the 23 writing tools you get in Poetry Rocks! is designed to impact prose as well as poetry -- so there's great value for your writing even if you're not a poet. 

In fact, I found my way back to writing poetry because a number of years ago, I followed the suggestion of my good friend Gilda Morina Syverson and took a poetry class to help me write better prose. I've always been grateful to her for the gift that poetry class has been in my life. 

A guilty little secret: Even though my mother was a gourmet cook and a dietitian, I don't much like to cook, and do as little of it as possible -- unless I'm with my sister, Mary, like in this picture taken last Thanksgiving as we cooked up pies, cranberry sauce, and stuffing with apples and pecans to go with my husband's grilled turkey. Yum!

How about you? Are you a cook? And did you learn from your mother, like my sister and I did? While it was a disappointment to Mom that I didn't take to the kitchen, at least I frequently stir cooking metaphors into my writing -- and my teaching. In fact, one of the tools in my poetry course is called "The Recipe" and involves folding 12 ingredients into a piece of writing, poetry or prose. 

You could actually consider Poetry Rocks! a cookbook for writers, full of ingredients to make your writing both savory and sweet.... The course is designed to be ultra convenient for you and your busy schedule, and you can participate from anywhere -- even your own kitchen!  

Details are below. And please, if you have any questions about whether Poetry Rocks! is for you, call me at 704-494-9961 or email info@wordplaynow.com and I'll be glad to talk with you about it.

Bon appetit!





  • Three 90-minute lively, interactive online poetry classes that you can participate in live on the phone or on your computer, plus audio replays if you can't make it or want to listen again later

  • 23 poetry (and/or prose) creation tools

    You'll receive one in your email inbox each weekday in April, in honor of National Poetry month, plus an extra bonus tool on May 1 -- use them as you get them, use them when you can, use them over and over to create poems.

    Each tool zeroes in on one aspect of poetry and provides an innovative method to approach writing a poem. Many of them are great for creating prose, too. The tools include
    a purpose, so you're clear what you will learn
       *   background information when helpful
       *   "how-to" directions to create a poem 
       *   an example that illustrates the poetry tool in action
       *   a short reflection to solidify the concepts covered
       *   "Hone Your Craft" suggestions for further exploration
       *   a short reflection to solidify the concepts covered 

  • A PDF document of each tool that you can print or save on your computer

  • An audio recording of each tool, so you can learn by listening and/or reading

  • Instruction on the role of audience, reading like a writer, and the process of revision, including a handy Revision Checkpoint Chart -- this information can be applied to strengthen your prose as well as poetry

  • Additional poetry resources

  • An e-book that contains the information and resources covered, as well as your 23 poetry creation tools

  • A private Facebook community just for Poetry Rocks! participants, so you can share, learn, ask questions, etc.

WHERE: From the comfort of your own home, via phone, web, or replay

WHEN: The three classes are from 7 to 8:30 pm, Tuesdays, April 1, 15, and 29, and are available via your telephone (we can talk to each other, just like in a live class), your computer (you can listen, and "talk" by sending me typed messages), and/or as an audio recording, so you can listen to the class, or listen to it again, anytime you want  

PLUS a new poetry creation tool will arrive in your inbox each weekday morning in April, to be used at your convenience. The tools and corresponding audios will also be available on a special webpage specially made just for Poetry Rocks participants.

BONUS: All interested participants will be entered in a drawing to get a 750-word (or shorter) poem critiqued. The six winning poems will be shared in class to illustrate the revision process.

COST: $95 (and if, within the first week of participation, you're not finding Poetry Rocks! easy to use and of value, just let me know and your cost will be refunded)

TO REGISTER FOR POETRY ROCKS: Click here to register via credit card
Or email info@wordplaynow.com or call 704-494-9961 to make sure there's a spot and arrange to pay via check or PayPal.

Dawn Petalino

"At a time in my life I didn't know which way was up,
Maureen guided me through writing exercises,
showing me the magic that comes
when we really release the pen to paper."

"If I had to describe the impact Maureen's classes have had in my life, I'd have to simply say, 'Magic.'

I had heard of Maureen Ryan Griffin several times in 2007. Back then, I stood in the hallway of transition between a marriage, career, and home I'd just left, to a future of, well, frankly, I didn't know what. That fall, I decided to join Maureen's Under Construction writing group. My life has never been the same since.

Maureen's skill and expertise make her an exceptional instructor, no doubt, but it is her heart that knights her a master teacher. At a time in my life I didn't know which way was up, Maureen guided me through writing exercises, showing me the magic that comes when we really release the pen to paper.

I learned so much about my desires, my losses, and my dreams. Her classes became my safety zone, the place I opened up to myself, broke down barriers, and renewed the life inside of me. The profound acceptance she exudes in her instruction and the intimacy she cultivates within her classroom creates more than just writers, it re-creates lives.

Today, I've published several essays, spoken publicly on spiritual and psychological transformation, and launched my second business, New Raise of Light, as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner and Spiritual Transformational Coach. But more importantly, under the tutelage of Maureen, I've learned to open my heart to love and life.

When I say Maureen's classes are magic, I'm not kidding."

Click here to register via credit card
Or email 
info@wordplaynow.com or call 704-494-9961 to make sure there's a spot and arrange to pay via check or PayPal.

About Dawn Petalino

Dawn Petalino is a Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection PractitionerTMand Transformational Life Coach, speaker, and writer. She's taught in various media and publications, including, The 22 Tango Show, Oneness Wellness Lifestyle, Unity of Charlotte, Uptown magazine, and Imagining Heaven Anthology.

Her knowledge and insight on spiritual and personal transformation has helped many move beyond their own blocks to understanding, enabling them to develop the self-love and self-acceptance needed to hear their own innate wisdom and voice. She is able to help others discover their strengths and truths through: connecting them to their Inner Voice, developing awareness of their learned beliefs, and supporting them in taking courageous actions, while providing the spiritual and psychological principles behind the actions, toward creating a fulfilling , authentic life - one that's right for them, one they love.

Through her Reconnective Healings and teachings, she's witnessed physical ailments lessen and disappear, emotional wounds rise to the surface and heal, and new thought systems absorbed, resulting in changed circumstances and attitudes in people's lives.


WordPlay Now! Writing Prompt

Read Marge Piercy's hilarious "My Mother Gives Me Her Recipe." Then write about a recipe that is given to someone, read or fictional. This can be a piece of memoir, a scene in a story, or a poem. You may, as in Marge Piercy's example, want to write a persona piece in someone else's voice. 

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and two collections of poetry, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn -- and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow