[WordPlay Word-zine] Jump now... not later!

Published: Wed, 01/08/14

The WordPlay Word-zine

Volume III, Issue 2
January 8, 2014

Word of the Week: jump

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Dear ,

One of the gifts of being a writer is that we live more deeply, don't you think? Our writer's temperament means we reflect more, and feel more. We write for the same reason Thoreau went to Walden Pond: 

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. 

I thought of this when Thelma Cooper, one of my students I love being with each summer at Chautauqua Institution, sent me her lovely "Not Yet." (See below.) 

Thelma, as we all will be at some point, has been confronted by her own mortality. Knowing her as I do (I can't look at her beautiful face without smiling!), I'm not surprised that her response brims with love and appreciation. She envisions "jumping from one Universe to another" -- but NOT YET! And she is LIVING by jumping now -- into the pursuits she is most passionate about.  

Thelma is an inspiration to me, and I hope she is for you, too. Much as we like to pretend otherwise, we never really know when "not yet" becomes "now." Which is why I hope you'll jump into your own passions. What do you wish you were doing more (or some) of? Begin, now. Don't have the time? Then ask yourself, what do you wish you were doing less of? And stop (or reduce) those activities now. 

Scroll on down to this week's TWO writing prompts for more. (Yes, I'm jumping too and giving you a bonus prompt!)

And if you are in a place -- in body as well as spirit -- to jump into writing support and community in Charlotte, check out the WordPlay opportunities below. (Two of them start tomorrow; how's that for a jump?)

May you jump for (and into) joy, today and always,


Upcoming WordPlay

ONE SPOT LEFT! WANT TO JUMP? THE GIFT OF MEMOIR: WRITING PERSONAL AND FAMILY STORIES (Preserving Family History/Writing for and about Your Family/The Art of Memoir)

Our life stories are a precious legacy. Putting them in writing is a gift to all who know and love us-they can be treasured and enjoyed for generations to come. It is also a gift to ourselves. As best-selling author Rachel Naomi Remen says in her book Kitchen Table Wisdom, facts bring us to knowledge, but stories bring us to wisdom. If you are interested in writing family and/or personal life stories-those significant tales of adventure, transition, love, loss, and triumph, as well as lovely everyday moments from times past or the present, come learn specific tools and techniques to retrieve and record them. $295 for 10 sessions.

WHERE: Covenant Presbyterian Recreation Center, 1000 East Morehead St., Charlotte, 28204. Click here for map.
WHEN: Thursdays, 10 AM to noon, January 9 & 23, February 6 & 20, March 6 & 20, April 3 & 24, May 8 & 22. Snow date May 29. 

TO REGISTER: Email info@wordplaynow.com OR PHONE 704-494-9961 to be sure there's still an open spot for you. If so, then pay in class with check, cash, or credit card. Or Click Here to pay with PayPal/credit card.

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: YOUR WRITING (Fulfilling Writing Dreams and Goals; Creating New Writing; Revising and Polishing Your Writing) Available Both Mornings and Evenings

This class is designed to fulfill your writing dreams and projects. You'll set goals and support structures and watch your writing flow! You'll also get feedback on your work (any genre) and learn revision tools. Jumpstart your pen and receive the knowledge and inspiration you need to write, whatever your preferred genre. Each week, writing prompts will generate material for new writing or further a piece in process. Through examples of accomplished writers, you'll learn techniques to aid you right where you are in the process. $407 for 13 sessions.

WHERE: Both morning and evening classes will be at Covenant Presbyterian Recreation Center, 1000 East Morehead Street, 28204. Click here for map.

WHEN: Evening Class, Thursdays, 7 to 9 PM. January 9, 16 & 23, February 6 & 20, March 6, 20 & 27, April 3, 10 & 24, May 8 & 22; Snow date, May 29 ONE SPOT LEFT! WANT TO JUMP?

info@wordplaynow.com OR PHONE 704-494-9961 to be sure there's still an open spot for you. If so, then pay in class with check, cash, or credit card. Or CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR EVENING  UNDER CONSTRUCTION via PayPal/credit card.

WHEN: Morning Class, Wednesdays, 10 AM to noon. January 15 & 22, February 5 & 19, March 5, 19 & 26, April 2, 9, 16 & 23, May 7 & 14; Snow date, May 21

or pay by check with the attached mail-in registration form.

PROJECT BOOK: GET YOUR BOOK OUT OF YOU AND INTO THE WORLD (Writing/Publishing Your Book-length Writing Project)/2 Saturday Sessions

A hands-on workshop for any writer who would like to write and/or publish a book and
    1) doesn't know how
    2) doesn't get around to it 
    3) feels
                a) intimidated
                b) confused
                                c) overwhelmed
                                d) uninspired
                4) all of the above
You will gain working knowledge of the steps you need to take and the procedures and documents that are necessary (query vs. cover letter, book proposal, overview, synopsis, outline), as well as an introduction to today's publishing world (major publishers, university presses, small presses, self-publishing, and print-on-demand). Note: Class doesn't include critique of your book manuscript. $197 for 2 sessions, includes lunch for both days.

WHERE: Covenant Presbyterian Recreation Center, 1000 East Morehead St., Charlotte, 28204. Click here for map.
WHEN: Saturdays, January 25 and February 1, 10 AM to 4:30 PM
TO REGISTER: Click Here or pay by check with the attached mail-in registration form.

See http://wordplaynow.com/current.htm  for more details and more WordPlay opportunities. 

WordPlay Success Story

There was a joyous, positive, and supportive spirit in the way Maureen encouraged each of us to explore our thoughts through writing. I was stunned to find words to share experiences of long ago that had been hidden away somewhere in my brain. I fell in love with writing all over again.

Meet Thelma Cooper

Many years ago, I found myself in need of exploring thoughts and feelings that were filling my soul. This led to daily journaling. Along with the regular demands of family life, my professional life was very demanding as I taught and performed as part of the piano faculty of Baylor University.

In 1984, during my mid-forties, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Surgery and radiation followed, lymph nodes were clear, and cancer cells were gone. Or so we thought. Family, faith, and friends provided invaluable support during this time. My love for swimming and writing also gave much comfort and therapy. 

In 2009, those deadly breast cancer cells appeared again, this time in my right lung. The next summer, as we had for decades, my family undertook the trek from our home in Texas to our home in Chautauqua, New York. In addition to going to concerts and lectures, I always took an opportunity to explore different avenues for self-expression. It was with great delight that I discovered that a course called Writing to Heal was going to be taught. With fear and trepidation, I signed up for the class.  

After meeting Maureen Ryan Griffin, the instructor, and going to the first session, I was hooked. There was a joyous, positive, and supportive spirit in the way Maureen encouraged each of us to explore our thoughts through writing. I was stunned to find words to share experiences of long ago that had been hidden away somewhere in my brain. I fell in love with writing all over again.

Thanks to Maureen and her encouragement, I plan to continue a long-term project of writing about my parents and their work as educators in the beautiful city of Porto Alegre, Brazil, where I grew upAnd again, family, faith, friends, swimming and writing are with me supporting me in this journey of healing. 

Featured Writing

Not Yet


Thelma Cooper


Not yet...

I am not yet ready to leave this world of beauty!

Is the spirit world as beautiful?

            Does the red bird sing?

            And the mocking bird?

            Has she perfected her song so that she no longer practices

                        the trills, the long phrases, the sweeping melodies

                                   as she sings happily looking up at the clouds?


And, are there white soft clouds playing tag with each other

            as they roll by in the gentle breeze?


What about colors?

            Will there be the green of the early spring grass,

            The yellow/green of the tall stalks of corn,

            The feathery leaves of trees...


And flowers?

            begonias, daisies, impatiens, red Shasta daisies

            that are as alive as blood from a wound

(Is it bleeding for me who am now mourning my own departure from

            this amazing world?)


Will I travel in space - jumping from one Universe to another even more amazing?


I will take them with me.... my LOVED ONES... family and friends

One never forgets but each will make this journey with me into the

            Unknown Mystery

            A journey without fear


Not yet...


Surely there are many more days of

           Sunshine, laughter, hugs, smiles, music, love, conversation,



WordPlay Now! Writing Prompt

This is WordPlay -- so why not revel in the power and potential of one good word after another? This week, it's "jump." 


Follow Thelma's lead and write out what you love about this earthly world. Include what feeds each of your senses. You're welcome to create a poem, of course, but prose is great, too -- essay, memoir, fiction -- your choice.


Here's to combining two of my favorite writing processes, "The List" and "The Inquiry": Jot down 3 - 7 responses to each of these questions. Go with your gut -- trust the answers that first come to mind. You can use the same answer as many times as you like. Note that eliminating what you don't want to jump into can be as important as adding what you do. And feel free to keep adding to these lists.

What would you love to jump into, either again or for the first time?

What would you love to be doing more of?

What would you love to be doing less of?

Who would you love to spend more time with?

Who would you prefer to spend less time with?

Where would you love to be more of the time?

Where would you prefer to spend less time?

What did you used to love to do when you were a) 5, b) 10, c) 15, d) 20?

What have you always wished you could a) be, b) do, c) have?

When you're finished, pick one small doable thing that would bring more joy into your life and jump in! And while you're at it, why not take one small doable step to move you closer to a BIG thing that would bring you more joy?

And remember, if you're looking for writing support and community, WordPlay classes, workshops, and retreats are waiting for you.     

MAUREEN RYAN GRIFFIN, an award-winning poetry and nonfiction writer, is the author of Spinning Words into Gold, a Hands-On Guide to the Craft of Writing, a grief workbook entitled I Will Never Forget You, and two collections of poetry, This Scatter of Blossoms and When the Leaves Are in the Water. She believes, as author Julia Cameron says, "We are meant to midwife dreams for one another."

Maureen also believes that serious "word work" requires serious WordPlay, as play is how we humans best learn -- and perform. What she loves best is witnessing all the other dreams that come true for her clients along the way. Language, when used with intentionality and focus, is, after all, serious fuel for joy. Here's to yours!

Maureen Ryan Griffin
Email: info@wordplaynow.com
Website: www.wordplaynow.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/wordplaynow